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Top 4 Company Pain Points IT Admins Face

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    Tech issues and frustrations are not new to anyone living in our technology-focused world, but for IT admins, it is more than a headache – it is their job to find the solution to fix them. Read on to learn about the top four pain points that IT leaders face.

    I Googled Your Issue, and It Looks Like You Have “Network Connectivity” Problems.

    Pain Point #1: Network Connectivity Issues

    It should come as no surprise that network connectivity issues are one of the most significant pain points that IT admins face, and it looks like it’s not going to slow down any time soon. By 2025, it is forecasted that there will be over 75 billion connected IoT devices.

    Network connectivity issues are a huge problem, especially when they impact an employee’s ability to work. To minimize the risk of this pain point, configuration is key. IT leaders must ensure that the network is properly configured to work with multiple devices, but that is not all. All company devices must also be set up correctly to interact with other devices on the network properly. Of course, this is easier said than done, but what if you had something to help you?

    When handling network connectivity issues, the tool that IT leaders can use to their benefit is enterprise visibility. By gaining visibility into all your company’s devices with applications like a Control Center, devices can be easily monitored, and issues can be quickly troubleshot.

    Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?

    Pain Point #2: Business Technology

    Turning a device off and on is a tried-and-true solution. Still, it can’t fix everything, especially if the challenge is the technology itself or the many different applications, devices, and technologies that a company uses. According to Blissfully reports, the average company uses 137 apps company-wide to power all the company’s inner workings. Not only is that a lot of apps to keep track of, but it’s also a lot of locations for company data to be stored. It is because of these different data locations that data silos become a problem.

    Data silos are a real challenge, especially when you want to collect data from other applications. For example, SAP is a business process software that many companies use to unite their departments, but what happens when a company wants to move information from SAP into another business application like SharePoint? Well, it is not so simple. Of course, this transfer can be done manually, but the use of software that can automate the process is also very helpful.

    When handling data silos, the tool IT leaders can use is automated data collection. An automated data collection tool like output management solves this pain point by collecting documentation from different sources and repositories and combines the information when needed.

    Secure the Perimeter.

    Pain Point #3: Security and Duplication of Work

    If only security would be as easy as securing a company’s perimeter; unfortunately, digitization makes that impossible. With the use of many company devices, technology, and applications, IT leaders are tasked with keeping their company secure, especially right now.

    Why now? According to Trustwave, cybercrime is up 600% because of Covid-19. Companies are doing more of their activities online, and cybercriminals know it. To aid in keeping company information secure, information accessed is being re-evaluated (“who can do what”), but this has created a new pain point – duplication of work.

    With information becoming siloed because of security, some employees are being cut off from company information to keep the data safe. Unfortunately, this causes a delay because people can no longer access the information they need to do their work. Also, this is causing the same information to be duplicated because the documents can no longer be accessed.

    When handling duplication of work because of security, there are two tools IT leaders can use. The first tool helps with tracking and stamping. A trackable stamping tool can stamp all the documents and information before someone opens it. The stamp will include the person accessing the information: who opened the document, when they opened the document, where they accessed the document, and so on. This added level of trackability can help companies keep their information secure while also ensuring their employees can access the information they need to do their job.

    The second tool that IT admins can use helps with document retrieval. For example, suppose there is information that the company is keeping secure by restricting access. In that case, a document retrieval solution like output manage­ment can pull data that the employee cannot see and sends it to them. That way, the company stays secure, but employees can also access the information needed.

    Why Does It Say Paper Jam When There Is No Paper In the Printer?

    Pain Point #4: Print-Related Inefficiencies

    Even though the digital world is upon us, printing and paper is still a huge part of many businesses, but what is the cost of paper and printing to a company?

    For starters, mimecast says that businesses waste 14% of their revenue on document and print-related inefficien­cies. 14% might sound like an over-exaggeration, but when you hear that employees print 10,000 pages per year on average, it seems more probable. (Not so fun fact: those 10,000 pages are equal to one tree!) That’s a lot of paper … and a lot of money.

    When handling print-related inefficiencies, you can enforce duplexing (printing front and back), but you can also use a tool like Follow Me Printing. Follow Me Printing is an application that will stop accidental print jobs by allowing employees to click “print” at their computer and then requires them to “release” the document when they get to the printer. By using Follow Me Printing, print jobs will no longer be sitting on the printer (a security risk, by the way), but will only be printed when the person is ready at the printer.


    Technology frustrations and pain points are never fun, but for IT Admins, they are an everyday occurrence. The task of finding solutions for pain points like the ones in this blog can be overwhelming, but the solutions are out there.

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