Technical Documentations with Direct Publishing

Automatic Documentation

Managing Complexity.

An important part of every customer project in plant engineering is detailed technical documentation: depending on its size and complexity, this may consist of a few or several hundred technical documents. In addition to describing the plant, the documentation must also serve for its operation and maintenance, as well as for maintenance and repair.

Data and files of a complex plant documentation become more manageable and will be easier to handle with our solution Direct Publishing. With SEAL Systems, you automate the previously laborious and error-prone process of creating your documentation – because with Direct Publishing, it is not created afterwards, but already during the construction of your plant.

How Do You Avoid Stress and Errors When Creating Documentation?

SEAL Systems explains:

Direct Publishing

Advantages of Automatic Documentation When Using Direct Publishing

The costs of implementing our direct publishing system are usually amortized after 6 months at the latest. In addition, you achieve earlier receipt of payment for your product sales, since the completeness of the documentation is a delivery component relevant to acceptance. And with Direct Publishing, you now always deliver the documentation on time.
Direct Publishing securely assembles the documentation from the partial documents that you have previously approved in the CMS. You can flexibly choose between the latest standard version or customer-specific adaptation.
The content and structure of the documentation can be efficiently expanded and adapted during the creation or project duration. The documentation processes can also be flexibly adapted later at any time.
Create documentation from files that were already created in the product development process anyway. Save costly duplicate creation. Documentation creation time is significantly reduced. In addition, Direct Publishing helps you standardize your documentation structure.
Standard components for your documentation are automatically transferred to your customer’s desired CI, for example company logos or project terms.
You will receive feedback messages on progress as the documentation is created or as adjustments are made.
The documentation is created automatically. The know-how about the structure and content of the documentation is transferred to the software once by your experts. After that, your highly qualified specialist engineers can essentially get on with their actual tasks.

Free White Paper

Learn More about the Possibilities and Advantages of Direct Publishing!

We’ll show you exactly how direct publishing works, what requirements you need, what direct publishing can do, and what benefits this solution offers you. Request our free “Direct Publishing” white paper now and learn more about your automation options!

Application Possibilities of Direct Publishing

Operating Manuals
A complete operating manual for a project initially includes the manuals for individual components and assemblies from your own company. In addition, there are so-called third-party operating instructions for supplier products. And drawings, SAP parts lists, test certificates and other documents must be included in the user manual. Creating manuals can be done much more efficiently thanks to Direct Publishing.
Plant Documentation
An important part of every project in plant engineering – with all its sub-disciplines – is the creation of complete and specific documentation of the respective product. Depending on its size and complexity, this documentation can comprise a few or several hundred folders full of technical reports. The documentation is not only used to descri­be the product, similar to a user manual, but also for their operation and maintenance as well as for maintenance and repair.
Inspection Reports
Every two years, cars must be inspected by an automotive expert. Such a technical report is usually done quickly and easily. However, large machines, such as open pit excavators, also need to be inspected regularly. It is obvious that such an inspection report is more work than a car inspection.
No Drawing Construction
Around the actual drawing there are some tables. They list applying documents (i.e. standard instructions that exist in other documents in the company). Other tables contain dimensions for the company’s own standard parts. There are specifications for the fastening points of the workpiece during production, as well as reference points for re-measuring during quality control. And much more. If you want to manufacture without drawings, then you must manage this information consistently in the PLM system. If your manufacturing needs this information in written form, then Direct Publishing delivers it to you.
Packaging Data Sheet
Sometimes there is no file available for a description, but it must first be formatted and filled with data as required. We take care of this data retrieval and create the required file for you according to your layout ideas. There are numerous applications for this: Product data sheets, instructions for the packaging of parts depending on the specific dimensions and characteristics, instructions for the creation of overwrapping packages, description of process steps in production and much more.
Dynamic Parts List with 3D PDF
Instead of construction drawings, interactive PDFs are sent nowadays. With a single click on the individual part of an assembly, all part information stored in a central database system is immediately displayed. And it also works the other way: By clicking in a material parts list, the associated component is highlighted in color in the construction representation.


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