Print Easily From the Cloud Without a Print Server

Cloud Printing: Optimizing Printing Processes

Cloud Printing makes your printing processes flexible, cost-effective and easy. And, with SEAL Systems, it is even hardware independent.

Johannes Hesel, COO, SEAL Systems AG

Fit for the Cloud: Cloud Printing Solutions from SEAL Systems

SEAL Systems has been working on the topic of the cloud and the related challenges for years: Does the elimination of in-house operation also work where own hardware is definitely still needed, namely for printing? Enterprise output management as a SaaS solution from the cloud – is that viable? Thousands of print jobs per day that travel back and forth between the site and the cloud, putting a strain on the WAN? What about IT security and data protection? And how does the data ultimately get to the device? Is it possible to develop a solution that enables output management in a seamless mix & merge between cloud service and in-house operation, from full installation on premises to serverless printing from the public cloud? Yes! It can be done! Thanks to our cloud-native approach in design and development, Enterprise Output Solutions from SEAL Systems offer full support for cloud technologies.

There are Many Flexible Ways to Cloud Printing

Optimizing your printing processes can be done on several levels, be it a simplified administration of your versatile output landscape or on the user side with many possible enhancements:

Web Printing allows your guests to print without having to install drivers in advance (Guest Printing). Web Printing works with all web browsers of your choice, through which your print job is created and parameterized.

The generic printer driver SEAL Master Driver from SEAL Systems minimizes the driver diversity on your client systems (Windows 32/64 bit, Citrix, terminal servers). Thus you save rollout costs and nerves with driver conflicts.

Send an e-mail with attachment to a defined e-mail address. A print job is created from the contents and sent to a follow-me or pickup queue, for example. There it waits for your pickup.

Our Mobile Printing App allows you to create print jobs from any smartphone and send them directly to any printer. It also lets you manage your print jobs.

Cloud Printing Offers Your Business Many Advantages! Printing from the Cloud …

… does not require its own infrastructure.
You can easily book all the services you need as managed services.
… can be easily integrated into your existing application landscape.
Whether SAP, Mainframe or Windows, the connection is done by the proven integration modules from SEAL Systems.
… is easily scalable.
Print 100,000 pages today and 500 pages tomorrow without additional hardware. Pay only for what you actually use.
… works easily even at distributed locations.
Print without additional infrastructure from different locations, and of course from your cell phone or tablet.
… is easily expandable.
For special services such as stamps and watermarks, you can quickly and easily extend your cloud installations. Connecting to other cloud services is also trouble-free.
… is safe.
Our cloud solutions protect your valuable data from source to output with state-of-the-art security technology. So that your output gets where you want it to go.


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Output Management: Realizing Complex Extensions in the Cloud

In addition to pure printing processes, our Enterprise Output Solutions also offer the option of including other systems and applications and thus integrating all business processes and workflows. This means that all conceivable output and distribution channels can be used intelligently.

What Are the Billing and Delivery Models for the Cloud?

Nowadays, a wide variety of applications are operated in the cloud and thus follow the widespread outsourcing strategy. To make this work, hosters offer different cloud technologies, billing and delivery models. Each of these delivery models has its advantages and limitations.

  • Public Cloud – the Shared Option
    Shared IT infrastructures for the general public made available via public cloud service providers. Use of shared resources of a cloud environment.
  • Private Cloud – the Private Computer Cloud
    Operation of a cloud environment for an organization. Hosting and management take place in the organization’s own data center or via hosters. Use of own resources in own cloud environment.
  • Hybrid Cloud – the Combined Computing Cloud
    The hybrid approach combines both models and thus enables very flexible use.

Cloud applications can process and provide more and more data in the shortest possible time due to their scalability. At the end of the process, however, there is always the distribution of information or documents, which takes place in the form of paper or electronically. Processing can be performed automatically along the business process or via interactive operation.