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Together We Are Strong!

The success of our customers always has priority for us. If we can achieve a better result for our customers through a partnership with other companies, we are happy to engage in this. Get an idea:

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What Our Partners Say About the Cooperation:

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It soon became clear that not only the products but also the companies fi t together very well and stand for similar values such as customer and solution-oriented thinking and working methods. That is why we want to offer the solution together for all customers in the future.

Uncomplicated cooperation, similar target group, through the integration of two solutions established on the market results in 1+1=3 for the customer.

Markus Wolfer, Cryptshare AG

We are very excited about our partnership with SEAL Systems and know that the combination of our extensive skill sets will lead to further solutions, improvements, and services in an evolving market. In addition, our software product, ‘The Elephant®’, offers a fantastic new interface with extended functionality that the users of EasyDMS have been requesting for some time.

As a proud partner of SAP, we are confident that our products and services can help drive SAP DMS forward and greatly benefit the users.

Finn Schnohr, Netcare International
We are excited about and looking forward to the cooperation with SEAL SYSTEMS. The partnership is an important milestone for MINDFORMS, but especially for our customers, who will benefit from even more intelligent solutions from now on. This means that customers not only receive forms that meet their individual requirements, but they can also be sure that these documents are always provided in the correct format on all output channels.

Jeremia Girke, MINDFORMS
For our customers, there is a great potential of efficiency in the area of conversion and output of SAP-managed documents. With the now bundled know-how, we can precisely identify and leverage this potential.

Peter Vandrey, CIDEON
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