SEAL Systems Media library

Viewserver for SAP®
Viewserver for SAP®
You want to make important information from SAP always visible in the document? That is possible! With the Viewserver from SEAL Systems you get a server-based solution for applying steering and release information when displaying documents from SAP. The display format of these stamps and watermarks is configurable and can be customized individually. Learn more in our factsheet!
Sales Processes
Sales Processes
As a sales employee, do you have to deliver additional documents to the sales document, such as the sales order? With our modules for the output of documents for sales processes, the automatic determination of relevant documents for the sales process and their output is possible. The dispatch of documents is fully traceable and manual activities are a thing of the past. Request this factsheet and benefit from our solution!
Signature Page
Signature Page
You can apply release information as stamp or watermark on documents with the SEAL Systems Viewserver. But it is even more precise with the signature page! Here your complete approval process is published on an additional sheet with the document. This is especially useful if your approval processes are so complex that a conventional stamping would make the document unreadable. Learn more in our factsheet!
Material Management
Material Management
Do you need to deliver additional documents for certain materials, such as a material parts list? This is no problem with SEAL Systems! Our modules for the output of documents for materials management enable the automatic determination of relevant documents and their output. Automatic procedures avoid manual activities and ensure completeness. Learn more in our factsheet and benefit from our solution!
Documents for Maintenance
Documents for Maintenance
Deep resolution of parts lists, stamping of additional information, full integration into standard SAP business processes and applications – all this and much more is possible with our modules for the output of documents for maintenance. The dispatch of documents can be tracked without gaps. Automatic procedures avoid manual activities and ensure completeness. Learn more in our factsheet!
Production Processes
Production Processes
Do you need to deliver additional documents to the production processes, such as the production order? Then our modules for the output of documents for the production process are the best choice! The dispatch of the documents can be tracked seamlessly. The output of these documents can be done manually via a separate transaction or automatically via an integration into the print programs.
Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders
You need our modules for the output of documents for purchasing processes if you have to provide additional documents to the purchase order, seamlessly track the output of documents, avoid manual effort through automatic output with full traceability and prepare and send purchase orders to various recipients. Intrigued? The dispatch of the documents can be traced without gaps. Manual activities are avoided by automatic processes.
You want to carry out data maintenance around SAP DMS more efficiently? DMS XSA helps you to identify the correct DMS files and to feed them to the respective subsequent processes. This makes it easy, for example, to identify and process documents for a subsequent conversion (for example, after conversion errors). External data exchange, e.g. with suppliers, via an export of the data is also possible. Learn more!
DMS Loader
DMS Loader
You want to load documents from external sources quickly, automatically and securely into the SAP system, perform an initial load or a migration of existing archive solutions when setting up a new SAP system, update metadata from external systems in SAP or integrate documents and data from suppliers into your own SAP business processes? Then inform yourself now about the loading procedures for SAP from SEAL Systems.
Document Distribution Director
Document Distribution Director
You are an SAP user and want to output documents and forms efficiently, in sequence and formatted? With the Document Distribution Director from SEAL Systems you can search and package document and form files from different environments and contexts. Which benefits the Document Distribution Director brings you furthermore and which system requirements exist, you can read in the factsheet!
BC-XOM Interface
BC-XOM Interface
As an administrator or user, do you need a close and reliable link between the SAP spool system and the external print management structure? No problem! With BC-XOM you can achieve this. BC-XOM is an open generic interface for the SAP spool system to external output management systems. This allows you to process SAP standard print output via our SAP output management solutions. Learn more in our factsheet!