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Consolidate Your Data to Avoid Information Overload

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    Documentation and procedures change as businesses grow and change. The more things evolve, the more documentation you have covering new procedures, changes, processes, and more. These documents can quickly become too much to keep organized, resulting in digital repositories that are difficult to parse for the correct information.

    For example, if you update company policies once a year and send the documents to each department for safekeeping, it’s easy to lose track of which policy documents are correct for today, and the same goes for numerous other types of documents you need to keep a handle on.

    Consolidating Documents Through Output Management

    Even with the best ERP systems in place, document management can still become unruly. You may have separate databases for different types of documents to keep them organized, but how easy are they to retrieve when you regularly need them together?

    While it may intuitively make sense to silo documents by type or department, document management becomes easier when you consolidate document databases for easy retrieval. How many times have you had to scan through thous­ands of documents on different servers to find the one document you need like an inspection report or operating manual?

    An output management system solves this problem by tagging and consolidating documents into one place. This makes finding documents as simple as entering the name in a search bar. With output management, you can also simplify document handling by automating field population, destination, matching, collating, and much more.

    Secure Document Management

    In addition to a simple system, you also want to make sure it is secure. Keeping documents in silos doesn’t necessarily mean they are safe. Secure document handling happens when you can keep the database organized and assign permissions based on document attributes rather than its location. This method also allows for automatic document encryption that require it and open access to others.

    For example, a new employee could access openly shared documents from HR as well as encrypted documents containing their personal information. Output management allows this to happen automatically.

    Automating Collation of Documents

    Your automated document management system will have the ability to collect, identify documents, collate documents, and deliver the data to the appropriate endpoints. Automatic collation removes the need to search databases manually for the documents you need.

    Once integrated a process can be tagged to search for the different types of documents needed to complete the work. For example, if you are processing an employee-related matter, you can assign the document types you need to the process, and each time you call that process for an employee, all of the documents you need will be attached.

    How SEAL Systems Can Help

    SEAL Systems offers SAP-intgrated output management solutions that keep your documents secure and accessible. Automate document handling procedures to reduce complexity, error, and the amount of time spent searching for the information you need. Contact SEAL Systems today to find out more about how our output management solutions can help you get organized and save time.